Fax: 214-456-6320
Fax: 469-497-2507
Park Cities
Fax: 469-488-7001
Fax: 214-867-9511
An umbilical hernia is located in the belly button area. Umbilical hernias typically closes within a couple of weeks after the baby is born but some close more slowly than others.
Fax: 214-456-6320
Fax: 469-497-2507
Fax: 469-488-7001
Fax: 214-867-9511
Before a baby is born, the umbilical cord goes through an opening in the muscle of the abdominal wall. Once the baby is born, the opening should close. Some close more slowly than others. Openings that persists more than a couple of weeks after the baby is born allow intestine to come out of the abdomen and cause the skin of the belly button to bulge. This is an umbilical hernia. Some are large and some are small.
At Children's Health we do not typically need to operate on umbilical hernias in babies. An umbilical hernia will:
Umbilical hernias will require an operation if they fail to close by 3 or 4 years of age. The surgery does not require you to stay in the hospital. It involves a small incision that is usually invisible by the time it heals. The abnormal opening is located and put together with stitches which are all underneath the skin. Your child will go home and can eat, drink and play like normal.
Risks include infection or that the hernia may come back but both are very rare.