Fax: 214-456-2230
Fax: 469-497-2507
Hirsutism is a condition where females experience abnormal growth of hair on their body.
Fax: 214-456-2230
Fax: 469-497-2507
This condition causes dark, coarse hair to grow – typically on the back, chest, abdomen, and face. Small amounts may be perfectly normal particularly if this runs in families.
Symptoms of hirsutism are mainly the appearance of excessive hair on the back, abdomen, chest and face. If there are extremely high levels of male hormones, additional symptoms of virilization (development of male characteristics) may appear. These can include:
Hirsutism is diagnosed by an examination in the office. Sometimes laboratory values are obtained to look for abnormal hormone levels.
Hirsutism can be caused by excess male hormones called androgens (hormones that regulate male characteristics) but primarily testosterone (responsible for male reproductive growth and muscle and bone mass). Hirsutism can also be inherited or familial (passed down through generations). Other causes can include:
Hirsutism can be treated cosmetically by removing the excess hair such as laser hair removal. It can also be treated with medicines that can decrease the amount of androgens in the patients body. Your provider will be able to provide all these options to you.