Fax: 214-456-8881
Fax: 469-497-2507
Request an Appointment with codes: Plastics and Craniofacial Surgery
Refer a Patient with Cranial Vault Distraction Osteogenesis (DO)
Fax: 214-456-8881
Fax: 469-497-2507
Request an Appointment with codes: Plastics and Craniofacial Surgery
Refer a Patient with Cranial Vault Distraction Osteogenesis (DO)
The goal of distraction osteogenesis (DO) is to make bones longer. The surgery uses the body’s ability to heal bones to generate new bone where it is needed. During distraction osteogenesis (DO), a cut is made through the bone and a special device called a distractor is applied to the bone and the skin is closed.
After a brief time allowing healing to of the bone to begin, the cut ends are gradually separated from one by turning the distractor. New bone tissue forms between the cut ends as they are moved away from one another. The ends are separated to the desired length and then distraction is stopped and the new bone tissue matures and hardens.
Distraction osteogenesis (DO) in the cranial vault has several advantages over single-stage reconstructive procedures. These benefits include:
The gradual stretching of the scalp allows greater movements of the skull bones to be achieved and maintained compared to operations that expand the skull in one step. In our experience, Distraction osteogenesis (DO) provides twice as much expansion of the space inside the skull as single-stage operations.
Distraction procedures are better for global changes in the size and shape of the skull. It is most commonly used for expansion of the back of the skull, or the forehead together with the middle portion of the face (monobloc). At Children’s Health ℠ this is usually the first surgery we perform in patients with syndromic craniosynostosis.
Distraction osteogenesis (DO) does have its disadvantages as well. These include: