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Children with bulimia tend to eat large amounts of food at once (called “binge eating”) and then do something to avoid gaining weight, such as make themselves vomit. We help them develop healthy habits around food and self-image by addressing the personal, medical and social issues that drive their bulimia behavior.
Bulimia is an eating disorder. Eating disorders are conditions where people have abnormal and unhealthy eating habits because they want to have a certain body type or appearance. Differences in a child’s brain affect their thoughts, urges and behaviors about food.
Bulimia leads people to have frequent episodes of binge eating followed by “purging” or attempting to stop gaining weight. Children often “purge” by making themselves vomit. They may also take laxatives to promote a bowel movement or do excessive amounts of exercise.
People of all different backgrounds, ethnicities, religions and cultures can experience bulimia. Bulimia is most common among teen girls and young women, but it affects boys and men too.
Bulimia can be hard to recognize, because children with bulimia are usually average weight for their age. But they often have particular habits and behaviors. They may also have health problems as a result of frequently binging on food and vomiting or using laxatives to empty their stomach.
Over time, bulimic behavior damages a child’s body. Talk to your doctor right away if your child’s weight changes dramatically (either gaining or losing weight), if your child’s face or glands swell, or if you notice hair loss, tremors or extreme thirst or cold.
Other signs include:
Only medical professionals can properly diagnose bulimia. They do this by gathering information about your child’s health and behavior through interviews, tests and exams.
These may include:
Children do not choose to be bulimic. And they don’t become bulimic because of your parenting choices.
A child is bulimic because of the way their brain reacts to urges and messages about food, health and body image. Many factors play a role in making this happen. These include genetics, stress and social and cultural pressures to have a particular weight or appearance.
Most children we treat for bulimia come into the clinic for regular therapy and check-ups. Some children benefit from staying in the hospital until the eating disorder is under control. This is usually because they also have other health problems, such as malnutrition or depression.
We create a treatment plan based on each child’s individual needs. Treatment may include:
Our team specializes in treating eating disorders in children and teens, including boys and children under age 12. We work with you and other family members as one team, dedicated to giving your child the care they need.
Bulimia in children most often appears between ages 10 and 15. It can also impact older and younger kids.
If you think your child might be bulimic, you should seek help from professionals who specialize in childhood eating disorders. Only they can provide the different resources and therapies that are necessary to help your child manage their condition.
At home, the most important thing for you to do is treat your child with love and compassion. Many children feel shame about their bulimia. Let them know you care and don’t blame them. Make meals a time for the whole family to enjoy being together.
Bulimia is a pattern of binge eating and then doing something like vomiting to prevent weight gain. Children with bulimia are usually average weight. Children with anorexia are also concerned with weight gain, but usually they prevent it by eating limited amounts and exercising excessively. They are almost always underweight.
Many children who have anorexia also have bulimia at some point. They may vomit because they missed exercise or because they’re worried they ate too much.
Eating disorders often emerge when people are young. But they are not a “phase” that a child passes through and leaves behind. They are medical conditions that can last into adulthood and cause serious problems if they aren’t treated.
Children with bulimia are usually normal weight. They often feel ashamed of their behaviors and become very good at hiding them.
Children with bulimia do not eat a balanced diet or allow nutrients to be absorbed by their bodies. Frequent vomiting and other purging behaviors can cause dehydration and damage a child’s organs. If bulimia isn’t treated, it can be fatal because of serious health problems or depression that leads to suicide.
An antidepressant called fluoxetine has been approved for treatment of bulimia. It works by increasing the body’s level of serotonin, a chemical that affects your mood and appetite. Many people with bulimia have less serotonin than average. Be sure to carefully discuss antidepressants with your child’s doctor. Some antidepressants can cause unwanted side effects in children and teens.
Families are essential to helping children with bulimia get better. Have compassion for your child and the fears and struggles that come with their disorder. Help them understand their disorder and how it changes the way they think and act around food. Bring the whole family together for regular, relaxed and healthy meals. Actions like these help kids with bulimia feel safe and supported as they create healthier eating habits.
For more information about bulimia in children and adolescents, please visit the following sites: