Pediatric Angelman Syndrome

Angelman syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects only 1 in 15,000 babies. Children with this condition are often misdiagnosed as having cerebral palsy or autism since the symptoms can be similar. Scientists are working on understanding and finding better treatments and cures for Angelman syndrome.

From neurologists to physical and speech therapists, we offer all the specialists your child may need, in one place.

What is Pediatric Angelman Syndrome?

Angelman syndrome is a complex, rare genetic disorder. It mostly affects the body’s nervous system. A child with Angelman syndrome may have difficulty with coordination, speech and language, learning or playing. Through clinical research trials, our experts are dedicated to improving care for children with Angelman syndrome.

What causes Pediatric Angelman Syndrome?

Angelman syndrome happens when a specific gene on a chromosome gets mutated or completely deleted. We don’t know why this happens.

Pediatric Angelman Syndrome Doctors and Providers

Every child with Angelman syndrome experiences different symptoms. You can trust our team of skilled neurologists to give your child the treatment that fits their needs

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the life expectancy of a child with Angelman Syndrome?

    Children with Angelman syndrome have a normal life expectancy.

  • Can Angelman Syndrome be detected before birth?
